Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

Contoh Narrative Text Fables Terbaik 2013 Terbaru

Apakah kalian sedang mencari contoh teks narrative tentang binatang. Mungkin Contoh Narrative Text Fables Terbaik 2013 ini bisa membantu kalian yang sedang membutuhkan teks narrative tentang dongeng, seperti sudah di bahas sebelumnya, salah satu contoh teks narrative adalah fables tale, yaitu teks narrative yang menggunakan perumpaan binatang, tujuannya adalah selain tidak menyinggung seseorang teks narrative tentang binatang atau fabel ini juga bisa diterima dengan baik oleh anak-anak, tidak hanya itu teks narrative fables ini juga bisa menyampaikan pesan moral atau moral value untuk mendidik anak atau masyarakat agar berperilaku baik, dan jika tidak maka mereka akan mendapatkan balasan yang buruk.

Untuk itu, disini sudah admin siapkan beberapa teks narrative fabel terbaik untuk kalian catat dan ceritakan kepada teman kalian. Selain itu admin juga sudah memberikan moral value atau pesan moral dari cerita narrative ini. Baiklah langsung saja kalian bisa lihat 5 Contoh Narrative Text Fables Terbaik 2013 selengkapnya dibawah ini :

1. The Ass in the Lion's Skin

An Ass once found a Lion's skin which the hunters had left out in the sun to dry. He put it on and went towards his native village. All fled at his approach, both men and animals, and he was a proud Ass that day. In his delight he lifted up his voice and brayed, but then every one knew him, and his owner came up and gave him a sound cudgelling for the fright he had caused. And shortly afterwards a Fox came up to him and said: "Ah, I knew you by your voice."

Moral value : Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words will disclose a fool.

2. The Bat and the Weasels

A Bat who fell upon the ground and was caught by a Weasel pleaded to be spared his life. The Weasel refused, saying that he was by nature the enemy of all birds. The Bat assured him that he was not a bird, but a mouse, and thus was set free. Shortly afterwards the Bat again fell to the ground and was caught by another Weasel,whom he likewise entreated not to eat him. The Weasel said that he had a special hostility to mice. The Bat assured him that he was not a mouse, but a bat, and thus a second time escaped.

Moral value : It is wise to turn circumstances to good account.

3. The Sick Lion

A Lion, unable from old age and infirmities to provide himself with food by force, resolved to do so by artifice. He returned to his den, and lying down there, pretended to be sick, taking care that his sickness should be publicly known. The beasts expressed their sorrow, and came one by one to his den, where the Lion devoured them. After many of the beasts had thus disappeared, the Fox discovered the trick and presenting himself to the Lion, stood on the outside of the cave, at a respectful distance, and asked him how he was. "I am very middling," replied the Lion, "but why do you stand without? Pray enter within to talk with me." "No, thank you," said the Fox. "I notice that there are many prints of feet entering your cave, but I see no trace of any returning."

Moral value : He is wise who is warned by the misfortunes of others.

4. The Monkey and the Camel

The beasts of the forest gave a splendid entertainment at which the Monkey stood up and danced. Having vastly delighted the assembly, he sat down amidst universal applause. The Camel, envious of the praises bestowed on the Monkey and desiring to divert to himself the favor of the guests, proposed to stand up in his turn and dance for their amusement. He moved about in so utterly ridiculous a manner that the Beasts, in a fit of indignation, set upon him with clubs and drove him out of the assembly.

Moral value : It is absurd to ape our betters.

5. The Fox and the Monkey

A Monkey once danced in an assembly of the Beasts, and so pleased them all by his performance that they elected him their King. A Fox, envying him the honor, discovered a piece of meat lying in a trap, and leading the Monkey to the place where it was, said that she had found a store, but had not used it, she had kept it for him as treasure trove of his kingdom, and counseled him to lay hold of it. The Monkey approached carelessly and was caught in the trap; and on his accusing the Fox of purposely leading him into the snare, she replied, "Oh Monkey, and are you, with such a mind as yours, going to be King over the Beasts?"

Nah itulah tadi Contoh Narrative Text Fables Terbaik 2013 Terbaru yang bisa saya bagikan kali ini, semoga bermanfaat untuk sobat semua. Lihat juga materi pelajaran lainnya disini.

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